
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

No words can explain how I feel today. Well maybe shocked. I somehow always am getting in trouble for doing the right thing. I don't really know how to process what I got told today. I guess being efficient and asking people to help them with things is wrong? Wow. Wow. Wow. Has our society really gotten that lazy where people that actually have a work ethic are punished? I really miss working at CVS. I got to work to my heart's content and was commended and well loved. The only thing they could have fixed was the pay:)

Another thing that bothered me in the past couple of days was watching Harry Potter on Sunday on ABC Family. I think that the shows that they advertise on that channel is outrageous. Its called ABC Family and all of the shows are about teenagers getting pregnant. Again, what is wrong with society today? We have a morning-after pill especially targeted and advertised to 17 year-olds and under. I have seen my fair share of teenage pregnancies working in the pharmacy and girls as young as 12 are getting prenatal vitamins. Maybe I should move to Europe. America has become morally backwards and retarded.

I haven't done much actual knitting this week. I don't count knitting fun fur but I am still knitting that keyhole scarf. Maybe I will finish it today. A girl in one of my classes was wearing a fun fur scarf today. hehehe I can't help but think why people like those scarves so much? Is it the fact that its fuzzy? Or the fact that its called fun fur and comes in wacky colors?

My shawl designing class did start this week and I am really excited about it. Really really excited. I had to go to Decatur today and I stopped in Sheepish and bought Barbara Walker's second knitting treasury. I have been meaning to buy these and they are a wealth of stitch patterns for every knitter no matter the skill level. I am hopefully going to pick out stitch patterns to swatch up this weekend and pick the best one(s) for my first shawl pattern. For the knitter that is not so in tune with Barbara Walker check out this site. Its called the Walker Treasury Project and it is actually swatches of quite a few of her stitch patterns. These are shown in color and they have very detailed notes of the yarn used etc. in each post. The visual entries are growing quickly so soon all of the treasury stitch patterns will be on the site.

I really need to start exercising soon. And finish cleaning my house. And knit more. I am not doing a good job of any of this laying in bed and eating thin mints and watching reruns of Kell on Earth. By the way, I love her and a combination of her and Anna Wintour is the person I strive to be. Bitchy and fashionable. Tres chic.

Pictures next time:)


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