Monday, March 15, 2010
Today was my first day back at work after a glorious eight day, unpaid, no less, short cohort after my surgery. I actually had a surprisingly pleasant day at work. I even received a red tulip potted plant and a nice card as a 'get well' present. (Even though I am already well haha---its the point that counts right?) Unfortunately I cannot tell if I am just suffering horribly from allergies right now or I am allergic to the plant. My nose and eyes have been suffering for 2 days now so its probably just seasonal:)
I am writing this instead of wrapping up my history paper. Procrastination has literally got me wound around its pinkie. Sigh. I believe I am in for another sleepless night. I got barely 3 hours of sleep last night. Just my luck I suppose, I can now breathe better and my body just will not wind down and go to sleep. I have made some effort on finding a roommate. I really am opposed to finding a roommate online but in this day and age its almost a requirement. I wonder if subjecting potential roomies with a background check will deter them. Hmm I maybe just be overly paranoid and slightly neurotic. Also probably a reason why I will be 30 before I am even close to getting married.
I might get some knitting done tonight pending getting that paper done. Most likely since I don't even feel a bit tired. Goodness I hope this doesn't bite me in my ass later this week. I am going to add my own little modifier to my soakers to maximize sizing. I did sell some yarn on ravelry last night. Alas it was Noro Silver Thaw and I just bought them a month ago at Cast-On on sale. i was thinking of making a feather and fan scarf with it eventually. Well, I made a wee of profit but I am just trying to scale down the stash. I will mail them out to her tomorrow between classes.
I am also thinking about buying a domain name after I get myself set up with stock and do some test selling on etsy. I have posted about 18 destash items and they are slowly getting views and hopefully they will all sell soon. If not, that box will be traveling with me when my knitting group does a spring destash swap of sorts. This weekend I finished my sleeve of my FLS. One down, one to go. I hope to have it completed by the end of the month.
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