Thursday, April 22, 2010
Ah, my week is now complete. Having Fridays off is really awesome. I do have to get up early tomorrow for 2 morning doctor's appointments. I have horrible anxiety about going to the doctor. If I have to sit in a room for more than 15 minutes before they come in I really start to panic. I don't know why and unlike most people, I love going to the dentist. Maybe because they always tell me I have great teeth:)
Marcy's Citron is chugging along and I hope to get it finished by next weekend at the latest. Its mindless but lace weight white yarn is a big difficult to see sometimes. I am blocking my Clapotis today on my couch and I hope it will be dry before I go to Stitches South tomorrow afternoon. If not I will whip out the blow dryer.
I bought a domain today for my 'brand' if you must. So I will be moving over to a new place that I can call my own soon! I have been watching Etsy daily at different times to see what price points that items are selling and it just has gotten ridiculously cheap. I will have more freedoms at my own site so I will be working on that probably on Fridays. My blog will move over there and I will be selling items that I have made and patterns eventually.
I am going to the Ravelry event tonight and I hope to have pictures posted of all the festivities of Stitches at some point.
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