Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ok, finally my new home will be available in 2011. This will feature my blog in expanded form. I most likely will not transfer any content from this blog as its not really my best. I will have a shop available and my own patterns. I am really excited about the pattern writing process. I am experimenting with lots of different techniques so I can master everything.
Check it out and I will update when I get it tweaked to how I want it:)
Other than that, lots of knitting... A fair isle sweater created as a copy of another sweater. Anxiety about cutting the steeks is subsiding as I wrap up the body. I am overly anxious about the sleeves and keeping the pattern in check. UGH I don't think this was the right thing to start of designing. I'll most likely offer the pattern in one size when I complete it. I imagine lots of cussing, frogging, tears and possibly Valium as I struggle to complete the sleeves.
I have lots of projects planned afterwords and I have been monogamous unfortunately as I try to finish the sweater so it can be worn on Christmas. Well it might become a vest for Christmas and a sweater for next year. :)
I haven't been knitting with the group anymore but I am getting so much more done.
I am beefing up my writing and helping generate exposure for 3 other company websites. My days are long and I don't remember what a 6 hour night of sleep is anymore. 5 or less has been the norm for about, oh, 6 months. I can't imagine how I am really functioning. Other news, I am venturing into the world of recruiting.